The Board of Directors of the Student Senate for California Community Colleges will be meeting this weekend February 4th - 5th, 2017. Please see the agenda below for more information.
The Board of Directors of the Student Senate for California Community Colleges will have a special meeting Sunday, January 22, 2017 at 6:00 pm. Please see the agenda below for more information. To All Members of the Campus Community: The University is establishing a Task Force on Transgender Inclusion. The purpose will be to: (a) develop communication strategies and supportive materials to ensure a transgender-inclusive campus; (b) bring the campus into compliance with Assembly Bill 1732, which mandates that all businesses, government buildings, and other public spaces in the state identify any toilet facility that can only be used by one person at a time as “all-gender”; (c) identify existing transgender-related guidelines and policies from campus departments and programs; (d) identify further projects necessary for making the campus an inclusive place for transgender community members; and (e) generate a report of findings and recommendations. Chris Kent, Program Coordinator for the PRIDE Center, and Dr. Dana Kivel, Director of the Community Engagement Center, will lead the Task Force, which will have representation from students, staff, and faculty. If you would like to nominate yourself or others to serve on the Task Force, please send an email indicating your interest to [email protected] by Monday, Jan. 30, 2017. Sincerely, Robert S. Nelsen |
December 2024