WHEREAS: The Treasurer’s initial budget had a deficit of over $40,000, continuing the obvious assessment that the Student Senate for California Community Colleges is in a state of financial crisis;
WHEREAS: The Student Senate for California Community Colleges could potentially save over $4,000 dollars per flying regional senator annually by taking flights to the monthly meetings that require them to arrive and leave at a certain time (‘Wanna Get Away’ tickets), rather than the flexible flights they currently take (‘Anytime’ tickets);
WHEREAS: There is already a significant cost for changing the flexible flights, and the cost for having to change the fixed flights under extenuating circumstances or non-attendance would be not nearly as great as the savings; and
WHEREAS: Constituents of the Student Senate for California Community Colleges expect the Student Senate Council to be financially responsible and accountable;
RESOLVED: That the Student Senate for California Community Colleges directs the Student Senate Council to purchase the ‘Wanna Get Away’ flight tickets as the standard for official business for; and RESOLVED: That the Student Senate for California Community Colleges provides 7 exemptions for the purchase of the ‘Anytime’ flights, including but not limited to, extenuating circumstances and official business with uncertain start/end times to be determined at the discretion of the Chancellor’s Office liaison handling travel arrangements.